I should start with Alhamdulillah, finally setelah bertahun2 mak aku paksa buat kuih raya, aku ngelak..malas la, x minat la..mcm2 lg alasan aku bg, akhirnye malam Sabtu ari tu aku buat kuih raya by my own. yes, with the help of my SIL gak la. Terbukak jugak la hati aku ni wat kuih raya..main reason is, kuih dah mahal ooo...100 biji nk dekat RM 50..gile x gile la..klu yg sedap haruslah beli berbalang2..
nk jd cerite, to start everything, aku beli mixer dulu..kebetulan kt mydin, aku nampak mixer brand Pensonic..x la cap ayam sgt..ye la, korang tgk la duta2 nye semua gempak2..pastu on Sat, after buke kt McD ss15, i asked my honey to drop us (me, yun and abby) at Carrefour..Yag sbnrnye aku nk survey bj raya aku ngan my honey and at the same time, cr brg wat kuih..aku dah siap buat list nk beli ape..so xde la tercangak2 cr brg..Jln kt dlm Subang Parade je amik masa 1 jam lebih, boleh? Window shopping yg amat berbaloi, dpt cr bj melayu ngan bj kurung for us..but, i need to come again and bring him together..die yg kena approve ape je yg aku pilih..klu x, smpi bile2 die kutuk bk aku klu die x berkenan..x larat telinge aku wei..
Aku plan nk wat biskut dahlia, biskut fancy ice cream ngan biskut peanut butter. Peanut butter mak aku suruh buat..tu yg smpi sudah cr resepi..ada lak acuan die..mak nye pasal..anyway, aku buat kuih tahun ni pun sbb mak aku gak..sian kt adik aku, tak kan die nk buat sorang2, aku lak blk klang every Sunday..jd nye aku la buat..
byk tul dugaan nk wat kuih ni..blk carrefour, aku mandi, pastu siapkan brg nk adun..firstly adun kuih dahlia..nurul mixed, aku siapkan bende lain..masa ni sume doa kitorang baca..buat dgn senyum je..finally satu adun dah siap..mengambil nasihat mak aku, aku pun simpan dalam fridge lebih kurang setengah jam..xtau ngape..bg sebati lg kot..the mixer at that time was very fine..So then, lps rehat dlm satu jam, pukul lg untuk adunan Biskut peanut butter..br start 1 minit pusing, tibe2 mier kuar asap..bole? kitorang stop and then pggl my honey tgk kan..dah angin dah masa ni..tahan lagi..after checking, confirm my hone y kata dah x leh guna..uwahh!!
aku ngan yun lek lagi..dlm kepala aku dah pikir dah, sok bgn pepagi, g beli br..x kuasa aku nk g Mydin blk..abyway, sape suwoh beli kt mydin ek? then kitorang pun try nk terapkan adunan biskut Dahlia td guna press tool yg br beli gak..next drama, bende tu susah gile nk press..smpi tgn kitorang merah2..tangan aku lenguh la nk taip lg..tp yg penting siap gak la dlm kul 2 pg..started at 11pm..mcm2...
nnt aku update entree lg ek..art dah bising dah ni x update lansung..hehehe..sori art..bz la.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Monday, September 8, 2008
Akhirnye...sume member aku kt Shah Alam (seksyen 8) sudah kutemui..kt mana lg klu x Facebook..i found it fun dgn fb ni...fs is a bit boring..
So nk jd citer...yg lama muncul blk...yg bercinte ada masalah..yg perangai bengong, smpi ke sudah bengong..aku ingat dah berubah dah..all remain the same..the diff only fizikal, carier and style...ntah la..ntah2 aku pun same cam tu..x tau la..org luar yg nilai..
ada satu member aku ni lg bercinte 9 tahun, ended with break juge...aku mmg nyampah laki2 member aku kt Shah Alam ni...dulu masing2 berlagak..mcm best..terlingkup gak hidup diorang..mcm awek diorang super diva sgt..xtau ada yg pengotor, pemalas mcm2 lg la..opps, bulan pose la...sori..
nnt aku cite pnjang2 kt aku blagak lak sbb dah kawin..tp mmg ye..agaknye diorang ingat aku x laku kot..akhirnye aku yg kawin dulu...
tu yg aku malas nk tau..tp mcm mana pun nk tau gak..bole??
So nk jd citer...yg lama muncul blk...yg bercinte ada masalah..yg perangai bengong, smpi ke sudah bengong..aku ingat dah berubah dah..all remain the same..the diff only fizikal, carier and style...ntah la..ntah2 aku pun same cam tu..x tau la..org luar yg nilai..
ada satu member aku ni lg bercinte 9 tahun, ended with break juge...aku mmg nyampah laki2 member aku kt Shah Alam ni...dulu masing2 berlagak..mcm best..terlingkup gak hidup diorang..mcm awek diorang super diva sgt..xtau ada yg pengotor, pemalas mcm2 lg la..opps, bulan pose la...sori..
nnt aku cite pnjang2 kt aku blagak lak sbb dah kawin..tp mmg ye..agaknye diorang ingat aku x laku kot..akhirnye aku yg kawin dulu...
tu yg aku malas nk tau..tp mcm mana pun nk tau gak..bole??
Cat umah
Last Saturday, kitorang cat umah..yeah, even umah sewa pun kitorang nk cat gak..the raya mood is here already..tp the event started a bit late due to our late awake from sleep.hehehe..Sabtu beb, it is our long sleep time...
All joined doing painting except me..malas..i was just doing the cleaning and re-arranging the furniture...they started with living room with light pink and light purple color..biasa la, umah kodok and bocay should or I should use Must have multiple color..merry and x bosan...

Kt tangga tu x abis lagi..tinggi wooo...then diorang continue kt dining room lak..dining room ngan kitchen we planned for hijau lumut color and light beige..tp dining room je yg siap dulu..dapur i, my honey kata next week..huhuhu

byk x siap lagi..dapur i, tangga (ni azab wei)..3 bilik, bilik air (pengsan wooo)..tp raya punye pasal..redah je!!
while they were painting..aku pun surf la apa yg patut utk buke..x kuasa nk kuar..mau muncung plus bebel my honey nnt..skarang die dah pandai bebel ooo..ikut i ke..huhuhu..

Kitorang buke pizza Domino's je..cepat dan sedap...

So here some result of our after painting house (separuh je la)..

since x siap lagi..there will another entree for this painting session..
All joined doing painting except me..malas..i was just doing the cleaning and re-arranging the furniture...they started with living room with light pink and light purple color..biasa la, umah kodok and bocay should or I should use Must have multiple color..merry and x bosan...
Kt tangga tu x abis lagi..tinggi wooo...then diorang continue kt dining room lak..dining room ngan kitchen we planned for hijau lumut color and light beige..tp dining room je yg siap dulu..dapur i, my honey kata next week..huhuhu
byk x siap lagi..dapur i, tangga (ni azab wei)..3 bilik, bilik air (pengsan wooo)..tp raya punye pasal..redah je!!
while they were painting..aku pun surf la apa yg patut utk buke..x kuasa nk kuar..mau muncung plus bebel my honey nnt..skarang die dah pandai bebel ooo..ikut i ke..huhuhu..
Kitorang buke pizza Domino's je..cepat dan sedap...
So here some result of our after painting house (separuh je la)..
since x siap lagi..there will another entree for this painting session..
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
I feel dizzy today..in fact,skrang pun tgh pening...mcm loya..tak tau la klu pasal sahur td..sbb lepas makan trus tido..bgn mcm pening..lansung tak g keje..
yeah..it has been a long time i x blogging...xde masa la...keje pun x menang tangan
time rehat pun aku byk bkk facebook..
Nothing much happen..just few weeks ago we went to Gangstarz Finale Concert...ok lah..aku x ikut sgt mcm AF..tp juara mlm tu mmg best..
Malam merdeka kitorang g the curve je..tu pun bunga api skit x mcm tahun lepas..but one thing for sure, aku memang dah gemok!!!few of the pics membuktikannye...uwahh...kene diet blk ni...
so my first day of sahur and buke we spent at my mummy's house..quite fun...tp x larat nk cite r..pening..
yeah..it has been a long time i x blogging...xde masa la...keje pun x menang tangan
time rehat pun aku byk bkk facebook..
Nothing much happen..just few weeks ago we went to Gangstarz Finale Concert...ok lah..aku x ikut sgt mcm AF..tp juara mlm tu mmg best..
Malam merdeka kitorang g the curve je..tu pun bunga api skit x mcm tahun lepas..but one thing for sure, aku memang dah gemok!!!few of the pics membuktikannye...uwahh...kene diet blk ni...
so my first day of sahur and buke we spent at my mummy's house..quite fun...tp x larat nk cite r..pening..
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