Friday, January 2, 2009

Lupe ke atau x concentrate...

Apa la..kan dah miss big dinner kt KL ngan bbdk Dept..ari tu aku dgr mcm ari ni..diorang ckp dinner lak..sponsor by my boss tu...diorang kata kt best Japanese restaurant in KL tu..only with reservation..bole? and me, either being so clumsy or just half deaf to differentiate between lunch and dinner..huh!!

Anyway, i can go actually, but mlm ni ada bbq party kt umah, organized by my honey...not so like party la..saje je wat mkn2..kan my honey to bbq lover..xpe die yag kipas ayam bkn akak ye..marinated last nite..another menu, cream mushroom soup, salad with thousand island dressing, garlic bread and goreng mihun kot..

whatever it is, I'm going to miss the dinner la!! what a new year mood la i have..


Suri said...

being at home is always the best!!

siti aisyah said...
