muka ejam from side tepi..dr pipi dah tau gemuk ekk.
Pastu smpi umah, kemas lagi..biase la kan, klu mak aku nmpk n sihat, berkilat umah aku tu..pastu masak spaghetti sauce..pastu kemas lg...x abis2..aku rase klu aku dduk Klang blk,bole kurus ni..asyik kemas je..
x kisah la..yg penting party tu best..even x besar, tp fun..yg dtg pun sedara2 je..
kite layan gamba ek...
bdk pompuan plg lasak pernah aku jumpa aka the burfday girl..
But I learned one rules of BBQ party, do not cook a lot of variety foods, cause ppl will only focus on meat instead of any side dishes..and ended up with a lot leftover food..pastu, harusla bungkus bg org yg dtg bwk blk..kan sedekah namanye...
1 comment:
melihat kepada sepit-sepit udang tu, ini mesti BBQ yang menyelerakan....
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