chewah..all sangat nih..aku hepi last weekend..finally aku jumpe Jija, and obviously, Rayyan!!!
Hahaha!!patutnye letak gamba letak gamba anknye lak..takpe, dia dah lama hidup,hehehe...Actually,she is moving from Kota Tinggi to Lumut..bagusla, so sekarang, no more reason to meet la..klu dulu, bercinte kitorang nk g Kota Tinggi 2 jam je leh sampai...So aku ajak die stay je satu malam kt umah aku, and invited the rest of us to join..kire aku host la..
So Sabtu tu, aku kemas umah, masak2..dlm kul 3 lebih, Tub ngan Wiwen sampai dulu, dlm 4 lebih, Jija n, sampai je, terus amik Rayyan..hahahaha!!Klu la anak aku ada, leh main yg semangat nk wat anak lg ni..
So, malam tu kitorang g Restoran Upin n Ipin kt Shah was so so la for me...
Then, kitorang g uptown lak..saje, jenjalan cr brg ape2 nk bg Rayyan, dah mlm sgt..esok diorang nk gerak ke Lumit lak..lupe nk cite, Si Roy dtg dlm kul 9 lebih gak la..
ada cite sbnrnye, si Tub patut nye kena balik malam tu gak..dah beli tiket dah, pastu dpt call meeting postpone the next Monday..huhu, apa lagi, kitorang racun la bg jgn blk..bejaya akhirnye!!
All the girls tido bilik aku, the guys bawah.. blk dr uptown dlm kul 2 lebih..opps!lupe, me n honey beli kasut for Rayyan, Cik Lap bg toys, Roza bg baju dr Bandung, and Tub bg bear...best2!!
So, next gathering? Kuantan, here we come!!!
haishhh chomel sungguh baby tu!! aku memang teringin nak boy!
wah..good target..
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