still xde rezeki gak bln ni..
pagi td dah pening2 dah..
maybe mlm sblmnnye aku mkn roti john dgg masin..
tu yg pepagi pening kot..
usaha lg..
quote (me):
it is hard sometime to pretend that we happy..
especially when we see other ppl with their kids..
miracle, that is what we are still waiting..
quoted by honey:
klu x dah brape bln ye sayang?(aku plg sedih part ni la)
one more month to 1 year..

takpelah lynn.. aku pun nak masuk 5 tahun menanti rezki. belum tiba masanya lagi.. apa pun jgn stress kan diri utk fikir pasal anak yer. kadang2 bende yg kite terlalu harap kan tu tak selalunya jadi menyataan. so take it easy yer..
thanks art..
org mcm kite je yg phm perasaan org xde zuriat lg..
aku dah try x nk stress langsung, tp bile period ni, rasa mcm nk angin je ngan diri sendiri.
aku nk g Damo mlm esok..
nk check klu ada problem ke..
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