1. bracelet (white gold with diamondssss)

2. vacation to Bali

3. blackberry hp

Itu je yg aku dpt pikir skarang..xpe akan di top up klu teringat bende lain k..
Tp aku ada lagi satu wish..the one and only wish...

xpe kan, honey..kite usaha lagi ye..thanks for being such a patient husband when it comes to this matter..he's always comfort me when "that thing " comes..love u so much..nothing more i can say..feel like cry now..i better stop typing...
Insyallah.. semoga Allah bagi kite rezeki k?
Insya allah..kite doa same2 ye..neway, aku nk g honeymoon esok..g Langkawi..ape lagi..huhu!!!
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