Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year Everybody!!!

masa aku taip ni..dentum2 fireworks kt luar tu..aku rasa kt area Sunway lagoon sana kot..wah jauh leh dgr tu..kt area Usj ni pun ada kot...

and at the sametime, my honey is sleeping...penat kot..we just spent our new year celebration kt umah je..just had not-so-light dinner kt SS19 full gak la..tu yg die ngantuk lg..

my BIL and SILs went out to celebrate..the Curve i guess..hope they enjoy their nite still happy while relaxing for the new year's mood..maybe i am just to tired and sick to death to be there with the crowd..pushing here and there to find the right spot..and got back with foot ache and additional eye bag (which i already have it for my spectacles years in school) is all about weight n my honey gained a lot right after we graduated..i had my on n off honey find no time for sport n exercise due to workloads and adding with good dinner meal with me, the, from six pack turned to one packed of 2 mths preggy it..

Honey!!!wake up..we have somehing to do...huhuhu..

1 comment:

Suri said...

happy new year lynn!!