Friday, July 18, 2008


Sbnrnye, aku nk post smlm the result of the macam x sempat, keje byk lak lps tu..

akhirnye, aku di confirm kan jugak..after 'not-so-short' briefing on my work performance, aku rasa relief skit..all the comments aku terima, pasni ni kene keje kuat more good performance and hardly reduce mistakes..that is my motto..acceli, kt sini aku tenang skit compare to my previous company yg aku joined. sume hampeh, epf la, gaji lambat la, kena potong gaji la, boss mcm mangkuk skit..more to management la..kawan2 sume best..Kt sini, gaji yg aku dpt amat aku lain best..freedom diorag bg tak mcm tempat may come lambat a bit bt make sure you work for 8, masuk 9.15am kluar mesti kul 6.15pm onwards..klu awal, lg awal leh blk..dan yg paling best, internet connection..aku leh surf ape2 je yg aku at any time..Janji keje siap n x ganggu concentration..

Tp, dr segi sosial nye, aku kureng skit..ntah la..aku mcm malas nk join sgt diorang lunch, ye la, among staff here cume ada 3 melayu..1 guy (which is ok, maybe die dah lama so dah biase mingle ngan diorang) ngan satu pompuan HR (die ni sibuk keje die je) i prefer to be alone..aku pun x kisah..x taula..aku br nk masuk 4 bulan, aku wish aku lama kat sini..

Tajuk lain lak, aceli i got something in my mind..agak mengganggu jugak la dr mlm td smpi tgh hari ni..xyah cite la..senyap lagi elok..biar benda tu ilang sendiri..conclusion nye, try harder.

Lagi satu, I am waiting for another result..wait n see..n pray for it...

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